Method Diagrams PDF format
You need a colour printer for these diagrams.
Please let us know if you find any mistakes, or have further hints we might add.
Each diagram page is made up of three basic parts:
- At the top left is the circle of work showing where each bell starts as
a number inside a bell and, in green the places
where you pass the treble. Which stroke you are on when passing the treble
is indicated by H for hand and
B for back and may be followed by an arrow to show
whether you are going up or down at the time.
- At the top right is a table showing what to do at a Bob or
Single. There is a column showing the immediate work needed and
another column showing what your next work will be on the circle.
- Below these are the “blue line”
diagrams for each bell (other than the treble or covering tenor) ringing a
plain course of the method. The places where you pass the treble (a red line) are shown with green
ellipses. The letters “A”, “B” and
“D” refer to the “After” bell which takes you off the
lead, the “Before” (or Course) bell which you take from the lead
and the “Dodging” bell.
- There are often some explanatory notes on the notation and on the “Front work” and “Back work”.
Available methods:
- Plain Hunt on 4 and on 5 bells: PlainH.pdf (8K)
- Stedman Singles: StedmS.pdf (7K)
- Minimus
- Doubles
- Minor
- Triples
Further methods can be made, but since we cannot yet ring all these, we
have not made any others. If you want others please contact us.
Page last updated 18 May 2015
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