Requests for future ringing will be considered up to a year in advance.
We are now allowed up to 2 visits per month, with up to 6 peal attempts in a year. Please ask at least 6 weeks in advance, so that the
dates of the extra ringing can be published in village newsletters.
This page records any extra ringing in All Saints’ Chilton so far
this year, other than regular service ringing and practice nights.
The sound control mechanism is usually closed for this ringing.
Requests for the rest of this year can be found here.
Ringing events in earlier years can be found here.
Day | Date | start | end | Type | organiser | Comments |
Mon | 4 Feb 19 | 10.00 | 12.30 | Peal | Stuart Gibson | Chilton |
Sat | 9 Mar | 14.00 | ~16.00 | Outing | Mary Fresney | Wallingford | Sat | 6 Apr | 16.00 | ~17.50 | Radley Course | Lindsay Steff | Radley |
Fri | 12 Apr | 11.30 | ~12.30 | Outing | Robert Partridge | Shiplake |
Mon | 27 May | 10.30 | ~12.00 | Practice | Hugh Deam | Marston |
Sat | 6 July | 10 | ~11 | Quarter peal | Philip Roberts | Harwell |
Tue | 23 July | 10 | ~12 | Maintenance | Mark Walker | Whites |
Mon | 12 Aug | 10.4 | ~13 | Peal | Stuart for | Somerset |
Fri | 16 Aug | 10.45 | ~12.15 | Bradfield Course | Joanna Knight | Reading |
Mon | 26 Aug | 10.30 | ~12.00 | Practice | Hugh Deam | Marston |
Page last updated 17 Sept 2019.