Close packed Garnet crystal

Make some close-packed Rhombic Dodecahedra

To make this model you will need:

This model fills space, click here for an explanation of space filling polyhedra.

2-fold pack This picture shows a stack of rhombic dodecahedra. They close-pack, i.e. they fit together with no gaps between them; here they are arranged to show how they fit in twos:
1 at the top lying in a set of
4 which sit in a set of
3-fold pack This picture shows the same rhombic dodecahedra but they are arranged to show how they fit in threes:
1 at the top lying in a set of
3 which sit in a set of
3-fold pack This picture shows the same rhombic dodecahedra but here they are arranged to show how they fit in fours:
1 at the top lying in a set of
4 which sit in a set of
How does this differ from the two-fold arrangement above?
To make these models, download the zipped Draw file (36K) and unpack it with !SparkPlug or the PDF (35K); then follow the directions below to make the models.

Click here to download a demo version of the !PolyNet program used to make these files (size 130K).
Click here to see more models to make

Page last updated 28 Jan 2014
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