Free downloads from Fortran Friends
The following can be freely downloaded from this Fortran Friends web site:
- Bell ringing:
- Diagrams of simple methods
(RISCOS draw files and PDF for Windows & Apple);
- Polyhedra
you can make for touches of Plain Bob and Grandsire Doubles
(RISCOS draw files and PDF for Windows & Apple);
- Demonstration software for RISCOS;
- Demonstration
software for Windows on a PC.
- Education:
‘Crystal Chemistry’
software for BBC-B, RISCOS and DOS.

Hexagonal | Models
of the crystal classes to cut out and make
(RISCOS draw files and PDF for Windows & Apple)
| Space filling models with bases
to cut out and make (RISCOS draw files and PDF for Windows & Apple);
- Fortran on RISCOS only:
- Demo polyhedra programs for RISCOS only:
- Polyhedral models to make,
including the latest dodecahedral calendar
(RISCOS draw files and PDF for Windows & Apple)
- Family History:
- Symbol set for maps of gravestones

(RISCOS draw files and PDF for Windows & Apple);
- Download here (74Kbyte), a map
of the Parishes of Oxfordshire in 1900 (RISCOS only).
Page updated 21 November 2007
Our address can be found here.
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